Nonprofit Beverage Program

2025 Participating Organizations

The Nonprofit Beverage Program (NBP) of the Wildflower! Arts & Music Festival (WF) provides an opportunity for six (6) local, nonprofit organizations to earn money by providing volunteer staff to work the alcohol beverage booths during the festival. Selected organizations have the opportunity to earn a percentage of proceeds and tips, in exchange for their volunteer service to WF.

General Information

  • The Organization will provide a source of reliable volunteers to fully staff the designated shifts at any of the three volunteer beverage booths and execute the responsibilities, as identified in this document, during the three-day Festival. WF will only consider Organizations that can recruit and maintain a high level of volunteers.
  • Three bars are reserved for NBP organizations (Main Stage Bar, Craft Beer Garden, Plaza Stage Bar). Shifts are 3 to 3.5 hours long, and each organization will be required to fill 25-26 shifts during the three-day festival. A volunteer can work multiple shifts, reducing the number of bodies needed.
  • WF will provide, and the organization is required to use, Volunteer Local to register and manage its volunteer base. You will receive access to manage your Volunteer Local site to manage volunteers and for email communication purposes with volunteers.
  • All volunteers are required to complete online TABC training and upload their valid certificate to Volunteer Local by 8:00 am the Monday prior to the start of the festival.
  • Nonprofit organizations revenues have typically ranged from $2,000 – $3,000. However, the sale of beverages is highly dependent on weather conditions and fast and efficient service.
  • WF places importance on the use of the funds generated from the Organization’s participation. An organization whose application identifies projects or missions that benefit the Richardson community will be given priority.
  • Organizations are required to identify at least one individual to serve as liaison to WF, become the Volunteer Local admin, attend kick-off and training meeting.
  • The organization’s volunteers are encouraged to attend the kick-off party.
  • The organization is required to include WF in recognition of projects or missions that earned revenue supported.

Monetary Information

  • All tips earned during volunteer shifts will be divided among participating organizations that meet their shift requirements. 
  • In addition to tips, Organizations will earn a percentage of total volunteer sales during the weekend.
  • The Organization will receive a check from the WF alcohol provider after all sales have been calculated and expenses have been reconciled post festival.
  • The Organization agrees to keep their agreement confidential with WF.
  • The Organization agrees to maintain, for the life of the agreement, that the donation(s) received will be used in accordance with the information provided in the Nonprofit Beverage Program Application.

Organization Responsibilities

The following list of responsibilities is not all inclusive and subject to change.


  • The Organization will appoint a liaison to be the administrator for Volunteer Local. All sign up’s are done via Volunteer Local. WF and the Organization will both have access to monitor volunteer signups throughout the process.
  • All volunteers must be registered no later than April 26, 2025.
  • All volunteers must be at least 18 years of age.
  • All volunteers must be TABC certified prior to the start of the festival, and they must upload their valid TABC certificate to their Volunteer Local profile by 8:00 am the Monday before the Festival.
  • All volunteers are required to digitally sign the volunteer release form and the Safe Harbor form during sign up on Volunteer Local.
  • The Organization liaison will monitor and verify that all volunteers are TABC certified and have uploaded their certificate by the deadline.
  • The primary contact person(s) for the organization, as identified in this application, will attend the orientation meeting.
  • The Organization will invite and encourage their volunteers to attend a kick-off party for beverage volunteers.
  • The Organization is responsible for picking up their volunteer packets (parking, admission tickets, volunteer brochure) and distributing those packets to the volunteers in advance of the festival. Packet pick up date will be based on when all shifts are filled, and will be communicated by WF.
  • Organizations are required to provide information during the application process on how they intend to utilize funds earned from WF.
  • Organizations will be required to include WF in recognition of projects or missions that earned revenue supported.
  • Volunteer duties will include, but are not limited to:
      • Selling product;
      • Placing and icing product in coolers
      • Opening cans and pouring draft beers and serving wine
      • General clean-up of space;
      • Removal of trash and recycling to appropriate areas;
      • Using POS system
  • Barring any complications during the planning and execution of the performance contingencies, Organization will be provided first right of refusal to participate in the follow year’s festival. Annual application is required. WF retains the right to withdraw this offer should Organization fail to execute the necessary requirements.
  • Organizations are encouraged to have their volunteers wear shirts representing their group. WF will provide “Ask my why I volunteer” stickers for volunteers to wear during their shift to promote awareness of onsite volunteer fundraising.
  • All volunteers will be given directions and information on parking and volunteer check-in.
  • All volunteers are expected to follow WF rules:
      • Complete the volunteer check-in process.
      • Children, family members or friends are not allowed to join the individual while volunteering.
      • Water is provided at volunteer areas. Please do not drink bottled products for sale.
      • Volunteers may not consume any alcoholic beverages before or during their shifts, including breaks. If caught drinking alcohol while volunteering, the individual will be asked to leave their position and the Organization will not receive credit for the shift.
      • Limit personal cell phone calls while volunteering.
      • Smoking is allowed in designated areas only.